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On Behalf of Haug, Farrar & Franco, PLLC I September 13, 2021 I Car Accident

Is Hiring a Lawyer For a Car Accident Worth It?

Many people involved in car accidents don’t even consider hiring a lawyer, even when they suffer serious injuries. Whether you’re worried about cost, or you just don’t feel like you have the energy to navigate the legal system, it’s understandable that you may want to try to handle it on your own.

On Behalf of Haug, Farrar & Franco, PLLC I October 9, 2010 I Car Accident

Auto Accident in Waveland, Hancock County, MS

We are filing another lawsuit in car wreck case today. Defendant took a left turn in a right turn only lane while using their cell phone. Our client was severely injured and the auto insurance company for Defendant won’t adequately compensate our client for his damages.

On Behalf of Haug, Farrar & Franco, PLLC I October 9, 2010 I Car Accident

4 Things to Do After A Car Wreck

Attorney Jonathan Franco discusses things you should or should not do after you’ve been involved in a car wreck.

Video Transcript:This is Jonathan Franco at Haug, Farrar, Franco & Ruiz, PLLC and I’m just going to talk to you a little bit about what you need to do after a car wreck.

On Behalf of Haug, Farrar & Franco, PLLC I October 9, 2010 I Car Accident

Car Accidents While On The Job-Handling Your Third Party Liability Claim

Unfortunately car wrecks can happen while you are on the clock. In those instances you have a workers’ compensation case and a liability claim against the at fault driver. The liability claim is often called a “third party claim”. If you find yourself in this situation, it is best to have a lawyer that is experienced in both workers’ compensation and personal injury litigation.

On Behalf of Haug, Farrar & Franco, PLLC I October 9, 2010 I Car Accident

Car Wrecks Due to Drunk Driving During Mardi Gras: Legal Factors You Need to Know

Drunk driving car crash

Fat Tuesday is March 5th, 2019, and revelers across the Mississippi Gulf Coast will enjoy parades and Mardi Gras fun all day. This is a time for family and children to come together to enjoy being outside and soak in local culture.

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