Video Transcription:
A lot of people when they’ve been injured in a car accident are wondering what are they going to do about medical treatment. They are wondering what all that’s going to involve and what different steps there is. How I explained it to people is that there are typically two different types of the injuries, and that’s that’s painting it with a broad stroke.
Video Transcript: Hello everyone and thank you for joining us here at Haug, Farrar, Franco & Ruiz, PLLC for another one of our blog sessions. My name is Stopher Haug and I’m one of the attorneys here at the firm, and today I would like to take a few moments to talk to you about a very important topic in the world of personal injury and motor vehicle accidents or workers compensation claims and that involves treatment.
First, I don’t advocate that anyone rack up thousands of dollars in medical treatment if they are not hurt in a car accident. This blog is intended for those who have been in a serious car accident and are truly injured.
(1) Medical Causation: One of the most important factors is whether the insurance company or a jury believes that the treatment you received was due to (or caused by) the wreck. Insurance companies often claim that treatment after a wreck was due to a preexisting injury or unrelated condition.
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