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On Behalf of Haug, Farrar, Franco & Ruiz, PLLC I Car Accident

Car Accident Damage: Can You Sue? Get the Facts

Yes, you can sue someone for damaging your car in Mississippi. If somebody else damages your vehicle, whether accidentally or deliberately, you have the right to hold them accountable for your repair or replacement costs.

Don’t pay the price for someone else’s carelessness behind the wheel.

On Behalf of Haug, Farrar, Franco & Ruiz, PLLC I Car Accident

Where Do Most Car Crashes Happen in Gulfport?

Common Areas for Car Accidents in Gulfport

Certain roads in Gulfport, Mississippi, are notorious for their high number of crashes. Let’s take a closer look at accident hotspots and why high incidences of car accidents occur in them:

Route 49


On Behalf of Haug, Farrar, Franco & Ruiz, PLLC I Press Release

Haug, Farrar, Franco & Ruiz, PLLC Announces New Gulfport Office

Haug, Farrar, Franco & Ruiz, PLLC is pleased to announce the opening of a new office in Gulfport, Mississippi.

The attorneys at Haug, Farrar, Franco & Ruiz, PLLC have represented thousands of clients from Gulfport and the surrounding areas over the years in matters involving personal injury, workers’ compensation, and criminal defense.

On Behalf of Haug, Farrar, Franco & Ruiz, PLLC I Car Accident

How Medical Bills Are Paid After a Car Accident in Mississippi?

One of the most stressful aspects of being seriously injured in a Mississippi car accident is figuring out how to pay the medical bills. Serious injuries can require extensive medical treatment and a lengthy recovery. A car accident victim can face high medical expenses and have no income to pay the mounting bills.

On Behalf of Haug, Farrar, Franco & Ruiz, PLLC I Car Accident

What’s The Impact of a Car Accident on a Driver’s Record in Mississippi?

If you have a Mississippi driver’s license, the Mississippi Department of Public Safety (DPS) keeps track of your driving history on your Mississippi driving record. Your driving record will include traffic tickets and accidents. Not all car accidents will automatically land a mark on your driving record in Mississippi.

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